

모바일 금융 서비스와 은산분리에 관한 탐색적 연구


An Exploratory Study on Mobile Financial Services with Separation of Banking and Commerce in Korea

강신원, 이중만

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Mobile financial services with incorporated into IT are actively introduced and being operated worldwide. Meanwhile, a relationship setting of industrial capital and financial capital has a close connection with development process of the financial markets and the economic development. If the relationship setting of industrial capital and financial capital are right, it will be good opportunity to ensure economic development, positive economic effect and global competitiveness of the financial industry as other developed countries. In order to expand the positive effects of these mobile financial services, a ICT companies, etc. should ease regulations to allow entry to the mobile financial services market. That is, the separation of banking and commerce should be abolished.


 1. 서론
 2. 글로벌 금융환경 변화와 모바일 금융서비스
  2.1 기존 은행과 모바일 금융 서비스의 개념
  2.2 모바일 금융 서비스의 중요성 : 금융에서의 IT 혁명
  2.3 모바일 금융 서비스의 출현 및 경제적 효과
 3. 은산분리의 현황과 주요이슈
  3.1 은산분리 현황
  3.2 은산분리 주요이슈
 4. 은산분리 논의 및 개선 방안
  4.1 은산분리 논의 : 찬성
  4.2 은산분리 논의 : 반대
  4.3 은산분리 개선방안
 5. 결론 및 시사점


  • 강신원 Shinwon Kang. Social Welfare Division, Sunchon National University
  • 이중만 Jung Mann Lee. Professor, Department of Mgt. of Digital Technology, Hoseo University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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