

Free Grace for Evangelism - Combine or Conflict? -


Kim, Nam Sik

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to explore whether or not free grace in Wesleyan spirit is combined with evangelism. When it comes to salvation for those who cannot decide to believe in Jesus, Calvinists talks about the entire God's grace, while Wesleyan mentioning free grace. The problem is if free grace is offered, people would think they can come into heaven anyway. Then people may think that evangelism is unnecessary. That theological stance is totally against the Great Commission. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to show how free grace in Wesleyan spirit is combined with evangelism. In the process, first, Wesley's free grace is articulated. In this section, this study shows that the range of Wesley’s free grace covers from creationism to eschatological salvation. Plus, Kenneth Collin’s view on free grace as initial prevenient grace is discussed. Second, the relation between free grace and evangelism is discussed. In this section, the comparison between Calvin's TULIP and Wesley's free grace is made. Then Marrow Controversy also is mentioned to undergird the necessity of evangelism. Third, in order to avoid misunderstanding of free grace in Wesleyan spirit, free grace theology is dealt with evangelism. In this section, Lordship salvation, Wesley's ordo salutis, and John Chrysostom's soteriology are discussed to show whether or not free grace theology is combined with the biblical way of evangelism.


I. Introduction
 II. What is Free Grace?
 III. Evangelism and Free Grace
 IV. Evangelism and Free Grace Theology
 V. Conclusion


  • Kim, Nam Sik Seoul Theological University/ Evangelization Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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