

The Role of the Church in Preventing Teenage Suicide


Min, Jang Bae

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study involves the role of the church in preventing teenage suicide. The Republic of Korea is disgraced as a “suicide republic” as it’s suicide rate ranks highest among members of the OECD. Many communities as well as the country itself rises for the prevention of suicide, but the Korean church shows that their measures are not so significant. Although institutions such as the “with house” and the “life hope” are operated with the sponsorship of the Union of Churches and the Church itself, the Korean Church is known to rather focus too much on the condemnation of people committing suicide. It is now time for the Korean Church to raise attention to the prevention of teenage suicide. Teenage suicide is not only a domestic problem, but also an issue of the Church and the country. The Korean Church must understand what teenagers are thinking, what they pursue, their willingness to communicate, their relationship with their friends, their satisfaction with their school life, and grow interest in teens becoming leaders of the next generation. First, the Church must implement appropriate education to prevent teenage suicide. Details of the education system include theory education, education for communication, education of talent and spiritual gift, and parental education. Second, the plan of consultation. The Church must implement certified counselors to consult teenager members of the Church. Lastly, a union between the Church and suicide prevention institutions. Various suicide prevention institutions branching from the government are striving to prevent suicide. The church must link with these institutions of the local community to lower teenage suicide rate and have a sense of duty to participate in the fight against it.


I. Introduction
 II. Definition and Cause of Suicide
  1. Definition
  2. Theoretical Approach to Suicide
  3. Cause
 Ⅲ. Churches Role in Preventing Suicide
  1. Measures through Education
  2. Solution of Consultation
  3. Suicide Preventive Institutions
 Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Min, Jang Bae Professor of Sungkyul University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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