

한중국제학술회의 1부 : 한국평화연구학회 Seminar - 제1분과 : “동북아시아 평화와 번영”



An Evaluation on DPRK-Russia Relations after Kim Jong-un Came to Power

김정은 집권 이후의 북한-러시아 관계


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



DPRK-Russia relations were at a low ebb during the first two years of North Korean leader Mr. Kim Jong-un being in power. It is mainly because he was committed/dedicated to eliminating potential opposition and secure his political power. The further reason was Russia’s discontent due to North Korea’s long-range rocket launch for twice and the third nuclear test, which resulted in its further isolation from international community. Since 2014, the negative impact of North Korea’s nuclear test seemed to fade out and we see the return of warm relations between North Korea and Russia, manifested in the frequent high-level exchanges and further cooperation in economy and trading, etc. We believe the underlying reason was North Korea and Russia need cooperation to overcome their own diplomatic predicament. In the short term, the bilateral relations between North Korea and Russia will continue to improve. However, it will not in smooth waters due to the nuclear issue, the confrontation between North and South Korea, and the vulnerability of Russia's economy as well.




  • 詹德斌 첨덕빈. 上海对外經貿大学教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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