

Design and Performance Analysis of a Rectangular Microstrip Line Feed Ultra-Wide Band Antenna



The research article presents the design and performance of a planar microstrip-line feed monopole antenna for Ultra-Wide band (UWB) frequency. The proposed antenna is consisting of a rectangular patch antenna loaded with a rectangular slot on its center position. The antenna is etched over a FR4 epoxy substrate with a dimension of 30 mm by 26 mm by 1.52 mm. The simulated and experimental results are compared and analysis showed a good proximity. The measured and simulated results confirm that the design covers the entire region of UWB range (4.1 GHz to 8.8 GHz). The measurement indicates that the designed antenna is a good candidate in terms of return loss, VSWR, radiation efficiency for UWB application.


 1. Introduction
 2. Antenna Geometry
 3. Simulation & Experimental Results
 4. Impedance Calculation
 5. Conclusion and Discussion


  • Ranjan Mishra College of Engineering Studies, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
  • Jeevani Jayasinghe Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
  • Raj Gaurav Mishra College of Engineering Studies, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India
  • Piyush Kuchhal College of Engineering Studies, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India


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