The purpose of this paper is to attempt a comparative study of the novel and film of Orlando focusing on the feministic view. In Orlando Virginia Woolf criticizes the ideology of patriarchal society through an androgynous character. With fantastic devices for a new biographical convention, she subverts the traditional genre of biography. Woolf suggests a new gender identity and relationship beyond the binary opposition of male and female. Potter’s artful adaptation of Woolf’s novel not only faithfully reproduces Woolf’s narrative of Orlando’s life but captures successfully Woolf’s feminism by using cinematic devices. Potter’s Orlando breaks the illusion of the viewer’s experience of the film in the present through Brechtian techniques such as Orlando’s direct address, in combination with the voice-over. Theses techniques represents Orlando’s gender instability and subverts the gender identity based upon polarization. In addition, throughout the study of the comparison of the novel and film Orlando, the aesthetics of the difference between two genres is recognized.
I. 서론
II. 소설 『올란도』에 나타난 성 정체성과 여성적 글쓰기
III. 영화 『올란도』에 나타난 샐리 포터의 페미니즘
IV. 결론