

「という」の使用実態に関する実証的分析 ー発話名詞が後接する場合を中心にー


「という」の사용실태に관する실증적분석 ー발화명사が후접する장합を중심にー


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



TOIU shown up in adnominal clause is used and is not used. In this paper, TOIU is used with the utterance noun, we use in any sentence and we of not used installs,whether the basic reason tries to be made public. The action related to the speech act is included in the meaning of the word. The thing called the utterance noun is the noun expressed as the character or audio. For example, it is the mail, public anouncement, question, story, rumor, and etc. In the previous work, the use of essentiality of TOIU was asserted when this kind of the utterance noun was used. We knew that there is 3 branch types doesn't take the result, of analyze the corpus data used in fact use, not used, and adnominal clause called case. In this paper, how 3 branch types about the reality of usage of TOIU showed differently, whether the analysis was attempted by the following 3 factors. Firstly,it is "doesn't it coincide with whether the subject of the main clause and subordinates coincides?". The second opinion factor is" the content of the subordinates authorizes the inside approval outside to the territory of information when the subject of the main clause observes". The third factor is "the content of the subordinates authorizes the reality approval unreality when the subject of the main clause observes".


1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
 3. 3つの要因における表現形式
 4. 調査の結果および考察
  4.1 対訳小説に現れた「という」の実態調査
  4.2 「という」を使用する場合
  4.3 「という」を使用しない場合
  4.4 連体節を取らない場合
  4.5 統計分析の結果
 5. まとめ


  • 金普仁 김보인. 東北大学 高等教育開発推進センター 専門研究員


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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