

Early Warning of Urban Residential Development Considering Sustainability Factors


Xu Zhao

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has never been an outdated topic to discuss how to construct and improve the residential urban area in the process of territorial development. The challenges and problems of creating a residential urban area are always associated with the issues of human beings, relations and activities among human, the district surrounding, etc. For instance, the creation of urban areas for human beings may be harmful to the environment and cause more population pressure problems. Hence, the creation of residential urban area does not only bring advantages, but is also connected to problems. To manage it carefully it is necessary to consider sustainable development, which stresses that environment should not be separated from development. Diverse approaches have been used for measuring the sustainability, as it reflects relationship between human beings and the systems of environment. Based on the approaches, sustainability assessment is utilized to assess the overall improvement of sustainable development. In the context of the sustainability assessment, the purpose of this article is to integrate two diverse approaches, including the systems of environmental indicator and the analysis for early warning. This paper also aims to offer a tool that helps the decision maker to measure whether the development of residential urban areas are sustainable and healthy or not, and prevent problems in advance so that urban areas develop healthily and quickly. Hence, this paper analyzes how to create proper early warning indicators and appropriate approaches and modeling that can be utilized for the analysis. To provide sufficient evidence to this article, a real case is discussed in this paper that is connected to the evolution of a residential urban area in China.


 1. Background
 2. Basic Concepts
  2.1 Sustainability Indicator System
  2.2 The Early Warning Systems (EWS)
 4. The Integration of Sustainability Indicators and Early Warning Systems
 5. The Application of the Model to the Case of Nanjing City
 6. Conclusion


  • Xu Zhao Department of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, JiangSu Province, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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