

Designing a TESOL Curriculum for EFL Contexts:Syllabus Design, Materials Development, and Teacher Education


Jung Mi Nam

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Even though the majority of the world's ESOL teachers are non-native speakers of English, there has been little attention to train them with consideration of their native language, culture and their students' linguistic backgrounds, especially in EFL contexts. Currently, a lot of Korean future and current English teachers come to the U.S. to learn better English teaching methods. Since their purpose is to learn TESOL theories and methods, and to return to their home country to teach, they have different backgrounds and needs. However, it has been indicated that these students are usually given the same training as their native speaker peers, resulting in a gap between what they learn in ESL contexts and what they face in their teaching in EFL contexts. This paper concerns several major issues regarding how to design a TESOL curriculum for the non-native students for EFL contexts. First, for the theoretical framework, I will review the existing literature on ESL versus EFL in terms of teaching and learning English in general. I will then discuss some implications for syllabus design, materials development, and teacher education when designing a TESOL curriculum for EFL contexts. Finally, a brief summary and conclusion will be presented.


 I. Introduction
 II. ESL versus EFL
 III. Syllabus Design
 IV. Matrials Development
 V. Teacher Education
 VI. Summary and Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Jung Mi Nam 남정미. 부산대학교 언어교육원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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