

Storytelling and One Source Multi Use Strategy of Jumbagi



Jumbagi has substantial exports as the first 3D animation from Korea and can be considered as Killer Contents which have produced a number of derivatives. In this paper, the author intends to analyze the storytelling of Jumbagi and to show that it effectively contributes to the development of OSMU. The planning points of the Jumbagi Content were analyzed and the storytelling strategy that functions among them was analyzed using narrative semiotics methodology. A new genre called 'Faction Documentary' based on the strong response of people for the story was developed. Based on this, Jumbagi has obtained a strong ripple effect by being reborn as a touching animation with a universal story structure. This paper intends to focus on the point that storytelling plays a key role while analyzing the OSMU development strategy of Jumbagi. This study suggests that the storytelling can be used as an efficient tool in the cultural content industry and in marketing. Jumbagi has high story value, and its theme is the family affection that is quite frequently and importantly utilized in Korean popular movies. Moreover, each element of the story, including the plot, characters and space, used to reveal the theme builds a dramatic unity. In other words, it can be determined that Jumbagi has achieved success to be immersed in the emotions of the public, including children, by utilizing the easy and popular storytelling methods.


 1. Introduction
 2. OSMU Development Strategy
  2.1. Application of Original Source and Differentiation
  2.2. Major Points of the Development Plan of Jumbagi
  2.3. Aspect of Multi-Use
 3. Storytelling Strategy Analysis
  3.1. Plot
  3.2. Character
  3.3. Space
  3.4. Theme
  3.5. Sub-Conclusion
 4. Conclusion


  • Jeong-Hee Kim SunMoon University, GalSanRi 100, TangJungMyun, Asan, Korea
  • Jong-Youl Hong HanKuk University of Foreign Studies, ImunRo 107, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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