Orthogonal array-based Latin hypercube designs (OALHDs) were constructed for four input variables computer experiments. The proposed designs have some advantages over the random Latin hypercube designs in terms of better space-filling properties and maximin distance criterion employed in the construction. There is a link between Graeco-Latin squares and orthogonal arrays (OAs). Graeco-Latin squares are two mutually orthogonal Latin squares of the same order such that when one is superimposed on the other, each symbol in the body of one square appears together with each symbol in the body of the other exactly once. This method is fast and straightforward to implement. In this paper, orthogonal arrays, OA (25, 4, 5, 2) and OA (49, 4, 7, 2) were generated from Graeco-Latin square of orders 5 and 7 and the orthogonal arrays generated were used to construct OA(25, 4)LHD and OA(49, 4)LHD for use in a computer experiment that involves only four input variables. The OALHDs constructed have better space-filling properties. MATLAB 2012a package was used for the development of the program that constructs the OALHDs in this paper.
1. Introduction
2. Orthogonal Arrays
3. Orthogonal Array-Based Latin Hypercube Designs (OALHDs)
4. Implementation
5. Results
6. Discussion of Results
7. Conclusion