

Research on PID-Based Minimum Rule Base Fuzzy Controller in Active Joint Dental Automation



This paper describes the design intelligent based nonlinear controller for three dimensions joint dental robot manipulators in presence of uncertainty. Three-dimension joint dental robot manipulator has some important challenges such as nonlinearity, multi-input multi-output (MIMO), uncertainty in dynamic formulation, and coupling effect. To eliminate the effect of these challenge linear filter PID controller is introduce in this research. However, this controller has some advantages in certain condition but in uncertainty, it has problems. To improve this technique in presence of uncertainty, minimum rule base PID like fuzzy controller is introduced. This method reduces the rise-time, steady state error and improves the trajectory performance in uncertain condition. Stability and robustness improve in proposed method as well reduce the number of rule base.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theory
 3. Methodology
 4. Results and Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Farzin Matin Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran
  • Hamid Cheraghi Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran
  • Nasim Sobhani Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran
  • Farzin Piltan Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran
  • Maryam Rahmani Intelligent System and Robotic Lab, Iranian Institute of Advance Science and Technology (IRAN SSP), Shiraz/Iran


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