In this paper a new cell is proposed for reflectarray antenna and is used to design the antenna to obtain to maximum gain and efficiency using phase synthesis in a frequency band of 11 GHz up to 11.7 GHz for different beam angles. The proposed cell is a double ring of hexagon which introduces multiple resonances which can provide more than 360 degrees phase variation by changing the loop size. Design method is based on phase-only algorithm where amplitude of the field on the reflectarray surface is forced by the feed. A 1.2 m reflectarray is designed for different beam directions. The results show maximum directivity of 42 dB and maximum efficiency of 73% for the required bandwidth. Focal length is 1.5 m which is set for maximum efficiency.
1. Introduction
2. Reflectarray Design
2.1. Element Design
2.2. Calculating Size of the Antenna
2.3. Selecting Location of the Feed
2.4. Compensating the Phase
3. Calculating the Gain
4. Results
5. Conclusion