

A Study and Model to protect Sophisticated Eurograbber attack



Smartphone now a days are very common to everyone and it is widely accepted. According to eMarketer [4] more than 2.56 billion people will use Smartphone by 2018 and up to 2015 more than one fourth of the world population is using Smartphone. It is widely because of its multiple functionality which allow us to accomplish more than what we expect. Apart from basic feature it is used for e banking, web browsing etc. Almost all restricted or confidential data is stored in Smartphone which leads to sophisticated attack like Eurograbber which happens through mobile botnet installation. This attack even fails the most successful two factor authentication which is worldwide accepted by banks. The Botnet differentiate itself from common other mobile virus because its infected system is capable to create a link with C&C (command and control centre) controlled by bot master. In this paper we will discuss about Eurograbber attack , the problem scenario and the model to prevent this sophisticated attack.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
 3. Problem Scenario
 4. Proposed Solution
 5. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Md Nadeem Ahmed Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science,IFTM University, India
  • Mohd Hussain Professor MGMIT Lucknow, india


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