This article addresses two principal questions about the acquisition of English phonology by speakers of Korean: a) Do native speakers of Korean show a difference in transfer of Korean phonological processes and morphophonological rules in the acquisition of English? b) How do word boundaries affect the application of transferred processes? In order to answer these questions, I tested a Korean phonological process (N-Lateralization) and a morphophonologicalrule (L-Nasalization) in this study. The main findings from the production task are, first, that N-Lateralization and L-Nasalization show different behavior in L2; that is, the L1 phonological process tends to transfer in L2 and the morphophonological rule does not. Second, phonological factors that seem irrelevant in L1 may still affect the degree of difficulty of sequences in L2. Word boundaries affected N-Lateralization; these occurred more frequently within words than across word boundaries.
I. Introduction
II. Literature review
2.1 Typology of phonological substitutions
2.2 Predictions in L2
2.3 Evidence for the difference in transferability of phonological substitutions
III. Target sequences in Korean and English
3.1 Lateral-coronal nasal sequence
3.2 Word-initial /l/
3.3 Research questions
IV. Experiments
4.1 General comments
4.2 N-Lateralization
4.3 L-Nasalization
4.4 T-tests of N-Latrealization and L-Nasalization
V. Conclusion
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