

NSDA : A Novel Node Selecting Optimal Algorithm Based on Dijkstra



This paper first represent the basic conceptions of anonymous communication, then introduce the fundamentals in Anonymous Communication. Afterwards, we went deep to the classification of anonymous network topological, therefore we could get a better understanding on P2P anonymous communication system. We also systematically analyzes the existing node-select algorithms. Furthermore, we propose and implement a new node selection algorithm based on Dijkstra algorithm, named NSDA algorithm. We give a belief description about the backgrounds and design of NSDA Algorithm. The algorithm can combine the node properties with link properties to select node, which can adjust the system performancing and anonymity. In order to evaluate the NSDA algorithm, we have done experiments in Network Simulator 3, and we also explain the reason why we choose Network Simulator 3 as the simulate tool. In the end, we analyze the characteristics of NSDA algorithm according to the results of experiments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. Anonymous Communication Fundamentals
  2.2. Anonymous Communication based on Mix Algorithm
  2.3. P2P Anonymous Communication System
  2.4. The Classification of Anonymous Network Topological
  2.5. Node Resource Selection Algorithm
 3. NSDA Algorithm Background & Design
  3.1. NSDA Algorithm Background
  3.2. NSDA Algorithm Design
 4. NSDA Algorithm Analysis
  4.1. NSDA Algorithm Characteristics
  4.2. Simulation Tool
  4.3. The NSDA Simulation Framework
  4.4. Results of Simulation and Analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Tianbo Lu School of Software Engineering,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 100876, Beijing, China
  • Jiao Zhang School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 100876, Beijing, China
  • Lingling Zhao School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 100876, Beijing, China
  • Yang Li School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 100876, Beijing, China
  • Xiaoyan Zhang School of Software Engineering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 100876, Beijing, China


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