

헤밍웨이의 「의사와 의사의 부인」: 의사와 인디언과의 갈등


The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife: A Conflict between American Indians and a doctor.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to analyze Hemingway's “The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife” by a postcolonial theory. Recently postcolonial studies are founded on the aim of giving prominence to voices and subjectivities previously silenced by Western colonialism. Hemingway's “The Doctor” is based on a domestic incident in the summer of 1911 in Baker's Life. Dr. Hemingway summoned American Indians to cut up some logs. On the day the Indians arrived, he followed them with a camera to the beach to take picture of them while they worked. However, Dick, one of the Indians, told him that he stole the timber, and it is a cause of conflict between the Indians and Dr. Hemingway. Since Hemingway knew that a war was where the big stories were, he wrote the epigraph of “The Doctor” drawn from a memento of the European front line. The feature of Indians like Dick really looked after a white man and they used to speak Indian language while they merely gather themselves, though Indians can speak English. In Our Time including this work, the book's title of his short stories, means a time in which there is no peace to the boy who observes and learns from sordid violence about American Indians. So, according to postcolonial point of view, we can see other aspect of American Indians different from previously studies.




  • 심상욱 Shim, Sang-wook. 전주대학교 영어영문학부


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