일본어の반어구문における부정호응표현 -한국어と영어の부정호응と관련して-
This paper investigates licensing conditions of negative polarity item in adversative predicate in Japanese. There have been no previous studies on licensing conditions of negative polarity item in adversative predicate in Japanese. The main study objects are shika-nai, igai-nai, hoka-nai 'only'. Arguments of this paper are as follows; (i) licensee of adversative predicate is not igai or hoka but covert Indeterminate-mos such as dare-mo 'anyone', nani-mo 'anything' and dokoni-mo 'anywhere' in LF representation. In other words, Indeterminate-mo becomes licensee in adversative predicate for a certain reason, (ii) the reason why shika-nai cannot appear in adversative predicate is because shika dose not have the licensee, namely covert Indeterminate-mo. In other words, shika itself is licensee, (iii) the above mentioned licensing conditions of negative polarity item in adversative predicate in Japanese can be applied to Korean. Consider bakk-e-anh-da 'only' which is a correspondence of igai-nai or hoka-nai. Licensee of adversative predicate is not bakk-e but covert Indeterminate-dos such as amu-do 'anyone', amugeos-do 'anything' and amude-do 'anywhere' in LF representation. Namely, the Korean licensing condition is the same as the Japanese one.
2. 反語とは
3. 分析
4. まとめ