

The Impact of Local Universities Students’ Youth Entrepreneurship on Intention of Start-Up and Its Revitalization Strategies


지역대학생의 청년기업가정신이 창업의도에 미치는 영향 및 창업 활성화 방안

Yong-Lan Cho

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is intended to analyze influential factors of start-up by considering conditions in local universities and suggest start-up promoting policies reflected with characteristics of local universities. Entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity for adolescents to experience a turning point in their lives and reduces youth unemployment according to concern and cooperation from government bodies and local communities while contributing to economic growth in the nation and local communities. Therefore, this study has analyzed with a focus on cultivation of entrepreneurship among university students. As for subjects in the study, students in local universities participated in the survey while analyzing the influential factors on start-up. Influential factors on the intention of start-up have been analyzed on university students who were educated with start-up. After establishing the hypothesis model on the factors influencing on the intention of start-up among university students, routes among factors were confirmed while verifying the hypothesis as an exploratory structure model research. Analyzing how entrepreneurship and start-up supporting environment were led to the intention of start-up after going through parameters of capability of start-up organization and satisfaction on start-up education, this study has suggested a plan for promoting exact start-up.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Consideration of Previous Studies and Analysis on Current Status of Application for Start-up
  1. Consideration of Previous Studies
  2. Current Status of Start-up Application
 Ⅲ. Analysis on Influential Factors on Intention of Start-up Among University Students
  1. Contents and Methods of Research
  3. Verification of Hypothesis Model
 Ⅳ. Plans for Promoting Start-up Among University Students
  1. Improvement of Start-Up Friendly School System
  2. Reinforcement of Youth Entrepreneurship Education
  3. Development and Expansion of Customized Start-up Education Contents
  4. Expansion of Start-up Experience Among University Students
  5. Reinforcement of Start-up Education Program in Connection with Elementary/Middle/High School/Universities
  6. Cooperative Work of Start-Up Supporting Policies Among Government Bodies
 Ⅴ. Conclusion


  • Yong-Lan Cho 조용란. Professor, Hanseo University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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