With UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as a new momentum, sustainable development becomes the universal value in the world since UNCED in 1992. Korean government has experiences to promote national strategy for sustainable development, but local strategies and frameworks for implementation tend to be not systematic after degradation of Framework Law for Sustainable Development in 2008. The purpose of this article is to analyze the frameworks for implementation of Korean local governments which pursue sustainable development. As a result, there are three types such as promotion inside public administration, promotion outside public administration, and mixed type. This article identified three elements for sustainable development such as core value, communication system in public administration, and collaborative governance.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 지속가능발전 추진체계와 원칙
1. 지속가능발전 추진체계의 요건
2. 유엔의 지속가능발전 추진 원칙
Ⅲ. 국가 지속가능발전 전략 및 이행계획 수립의 경험
Ⅳ. 추진체계 분석
1. 추진체계가 행정 외부에 있는 경우
2. 행정 주도로 추진되는 경우
3. 혼합형인 경우
4. 서울시의 변화
Ⅴ. 결론