

갈등내재화 위한 포용적 행정제도 구축전략


Toward Building Inclusive Administrative Institutions for Internalizing Conflicts

김광구, 심준섭, 이선우

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The administrative institutions of Korean government do not have a capacity to resolve the variety of public conflicts so that they tend to make easily worsening and take long period of time to the end. This paper finds the reasons of the lack of administrative institutions to deal with public disputes of the rigidity or closeness of them. Acemoglu and Robinson (2012) suggest that the prosperity or poverty of a nations depends on the inclusiveness of political institution and economic institutions. This paper would like to take their perspective of the inclusiveness of institutions that allows and motivate people to reveal their desires or voices. Many nations of the world in the 21st century have faced serious social problems of income inequality, unemployment, poverty, lacks of water and energy, financial instability, and restructuring that may put their people and society into conflicts. However, the governments have not played their expected roles to solve them so they have ever faced deep distrust from people. The government of Korean is no exception. The rigidity of the administrative institutions have not allowed the desires of stakeholders to participate in policy decisions. This paper suggests several conditions or factors to develop or design inclusive administrative institutions that may able to internalize public conflicts. Inclusive administrative institutions may have the following characteristics in their processes of citizens as partners, consensus building efforts, conceptual planning phases, deliberations and argumentation, joint-fact findings and interpretations, bureaucrats as process designer and managers, and trust building efforts.


 I. 들어가며
 II. 인식의 틀
  1. 국가의 성패 : 포용성(Inclusiveness)
  2. 21세기 정부역량의 후퇴
 III. 행정체제의 포용성 하락
  1. 시민과 정부와의 관계설정 실패
  2. 21세기형 정부와 거버넌스 그리고 관료
 VI. 21세기 대한민국의 현실
  1. 다양성과 차이의 일상
  2. 정치체제와 행정체제간의 부조화
  3. 권력공유의 사회 : 대항권력(countervailing power) 현실
 V. 포용적 행정체제 설계의 방향과 조건
  1. 정부의 구조와 행정의 기능
  2. 정부의 역량 : 정책생산에서 과정설계로
  3. 포용적 행정체제를 위한 필요 및 충분조건들
 VI. 맺으며 : 참여중심의 행정절차 제도화
  1. 일하는 방식의 재검토
  2. 참여중심의 행정절차


  • 김광구 Kwang-Koo Kim. 경희대학교 행정학과 교수
  • 심준섭 Jun-Seop Shim. 중앙대학교 공공인재학부 교수
  • 이선우 Sun-Woo Lee. 한국방송통신대학교 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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