This paper aims to provide information as to how we can effectively select the superintendent without any serious conflicts. More specifically, first, it examines how necessary it is to rectify the existing selection system. Second, it attempts to discover criteria by which alternatives can be evaluated, and to prioritize them with regard to political and social feasibility. Third, it seeks to provide more reliable policy suggestions which most of the stake-holders involved in the selection system can accept. The research result shows that scholars specializing in public administration and scholars specializing in educational administration significantly differ from each other in terms of perceptions toward superintendent’s selection system, implying that there should be debatable process over its selection system both now and in the future. And also it emphasizes that every alternative should be discussed from customer’s point of view rather than provider’s point of view.
I. 서론
II. 교육감 선출제도의 논의와 연구문제의 선정
1. 국내외 교육감 선출제도 개관
2. 기존의 논의와 쟁점
4. 기존 대안들의 유형
5. 연구문제
III. 조사설계
IV. 분석결과
1. 시도교육감의 주요 정책이슈
2. 시도교육감 선출의 우선순위 분석
V. 결론: 논의의 방향
부록 1: 시도교육감 관련 칼럼, 사설
부록 2: 시도지사 관련 칼럼, 사설