

근세~근대초기 적군전사자공양과 원친평등


Requiem for foe and Onshinbyodo in early modern Janpan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article discuss the trends of buddhist community in early modern Japan to explain the development of the logic of onshinbyodo(怨親平等-one's foe and friend is equal) in a connoisseur-historical viewpoint. The logic of onshinbyodo originated in medieval Japan had been severed according to the advent of Pax Tokugawa. But, the examples of onshinbyodo as word had increased through Pax Tokugawa, although there had not been any civil wars reminding the logic of onshinbyodo. Many monks usually had talked about onshinbyodo without introducing any authorities in Meiji era, which means that onshinbyodo was a term of common sense for them. In short, the rail for the logic of onshinbyodo in Meiji era had been constructed through Pax Tokugawa. Considering the spread of the examples of onshinbyodo in Pax Tokugawa, it is not wonder if the logic of onshinbyodo had been developed from the war of Boshin(戊辰). But, the evidence of the logic of onshinbyodo was found from the war of Seinan(西南). These trends were linked with the stance of Meiji government about the requiem for fallen soldiers. Under the trend of anti-buddhist movement involving Meiji government, buddhist community could not preach the logic of onshinbyodo publically. But, according to the promulgation of the document of cabinet(太政官達) in 1874, allowing the requiem for foe, the logic of onshinbyodo had been resurfaced. There had been not only the logic of onshinbyodo which can be understood in the context of mercy, but also the logic of onshinbyodo understood in the context of salvation of Amitabha(阿弥陀仏). These cases suggest that the logic of onshinbyodo in late Meiji era, Taisyo era, and Showa era would not be understood just in the context of mercy.




1. 머리말
 2. 평화시대의 도래와 ‘원친평등론’의 단절
 3. 복류하는 원친평등
  1) 조사(祖師)신앙과 원친평등
  2) 교학(敎學)진흥과 원친평등
  3) 적군전사자공양, 원친평등의 주위를 맴도는 서적들
 4. 전사자제사에 대한 메이지정부의 방침과 불교계의 입장
 5. 서남전쟁과 ‘원친평등론’의 부활
 6. 맺음말
 영문 abstract


  • 이세연 Se yoen, LEE. 한국방송통신대학교 일본학과 시간강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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