

Comparison Study of Prezi and PowerPoint in the Reform of Chinese Universities’ Bilingual Education : Take International Politics as an Example


Peng Wu

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the reform of Chinese Universities’ bilingual education, with special focus on the technological transformations. Compared with many developed countries, English has already become the barrier that restricts Chinese education from going mainstream on the global front, even though this situation has largely progressed in past decades. Some of the education tools are incompatible with Chinese language, and could not easily be provided to Chinese education systems directly, even if they are very useful in various fields. This paper will thoroughly discuss the most popular demonstration tools, referred specifically as Prezi and PowerPoint. Prezi and PowerPoint as the representative presentation tools ultimately have their own characteristics. Compared with the most traditional and popular PowerPoint, Prezi has some essential differences, such as navigation mode, content layout, innovation approaches, and application cost. In the reform of Chinese universities’ bilingual education, especially in the instruction of International Politics, Prezi shows its great advantages compared with PowerPoint, which are content expression, content deduction, and content frame. This paper systematically elaborate on the advantages and characteristics that Prezi, as a presentation tool, ultimately applies toward the reform of Chinese universities’ bilingual education. However, it has also realized certain barriers inherent in the development of the reform of Chinese universities’ bilingual education.


 I. Introduction
 II. General Introduction of PowerPoint and Prezi
  1. Introduction of PowerPoint and Its UsageSituation
  2. The Introduction of Preziand Its Usage
 III. Function Comparison of Preziand PowerPoint
 IV. Application Comparison on Bilingual Teaching of International Politics between Prezi and PowerPoint
 IV. Conclusion


  • Peng Wu Southwest University, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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