

Adaptive method for selecting Cluster Head according to the energy of the sensor node



The most important factor in the wireless sensor network is the use of effective energy and increase in lifetime of the individual nodes in order to operate the wireless network more efficiently. For this purpose, various routing protocols have been developed. The LEACH such a protocol, well known among typical cluster routing protocols. However, when a cluster head is selected, the energy consumption may not be equal because it does not take into account the energy of the nodes. In this paper, we seek to improve the cluster head selection method according to residual energy of each sensor node. This method then adaptively applies the LEACH algorithm and the cluster head section algorithm with consideration of node energy in accordance with the energy of the whole sensor field. Through the simulation, it was found that this proposed algorithm was effective.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Research [2, 3]
 3. Proposed algorithm
 4. Simulation and Result
 5. Conclusion


  • Yong Min Kim Research Institute, CHAMSULE TECH, Seoul, Korea
  • WooSuk LEE Department of Plasma Bioscience and Display, KwangWoon University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea
  • Oh Seok Kwon Department of Plasma Bioscience and Display, KwangWoon University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea
  • Kyedong Jung Ingenium college of liberal arts, KwangWoon University, Seoul, Korea.
  • Jong-Yong Lee Ingenium college of liberal arts, KwangWoon University, Seoul, Korea.


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