

正祖의 當代 臣僚 文集 命刊에 대한 연구 - 『雷淵集』, 『江漢集』, 『保晩齋集』, 『樊巖集』을 중심으로 -


A Study on the Background and the Process of King Jeongjo’s Publishing His Official’s Collections of Work - Especially on Noeyeonjip, Ganghanjip, Bomanjaejip and Beonamjip -

정조의 당대 신요 문집 명간에 대한 연구 - 『뇌연집』, 『강한집』, 『보만재집』, 『번암집』을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigated the background and the process of King Jeongjo’s publishing his official’s collections of work, especially on Nam Yu-Yong’s Noeyeonjip, Hwang Gyeong-Won’s Ganghanjip, Seo Myeong-Eung’s Bomanjaejip and Chae Jae-Gong’s Beonamjip, all of which were ordered to be published by King Jeongjo. All of them had taught Jeongjo as a royal tutor while Jeongjo was a prince. Three of them had represented national literature as the Head of the Royal Academy. One of them had help Jeongjo make a significant contribution to state affairs as a prime minister. The tradition that officially publish one’s collections of work, who served as a royal tutor and the Head of the Royal Academy, was derived from Nam Yu-Yong’s Noeyeonjip, and was passed down to Hwang Gyeong-Won’s Ganghanjip and Seo Myeong-Eung’s Bomanjaejip. Works of Nam Yu-Yong and Hwang Gyeong-Won were so elegant and sincere that there was a lot of accord with Jeongjo’s policy trying to restore people’s style of writing fallen into decadence. Seo Myeong-Eung immensely helped Jeongjo with his academic talent when Jeongjo compiled and published various books so as to consolidate the foundation of the throne at the initiatory stage of Guyjanggak. Jeongjo was so impressed by Chae Jae-Gong’s consistent protection for Prince Sado, who was Jeongjo’s father, that he especially selected Chae Jae-Gong as a prime minister. Chae Jae-Gong successfully assisted Jeongjo’s policy in various categories. It took about 3years for Noeyeonjip and Ganghanjip to be published from Jeongjo’ order. On the contrary, Bomanjaejip and Beonamjip were privately published after Jeongjo passed away. The publication of Bomanjaejip and Beonamjip took a long time due to the political obstacles that occurred shortly after Jeongjo passed away. In case of Noeyeonjip and Ganghanjip, Jeongjo read both of them and ordered to publish after the writers passed away. Bomanjaejip and Beonamjip, on the other hand, were read and given a panegyrical poem by Jeongjo during writer’s life time. Jeongjo ordered to publish Bomanjaejip and Beonamjip as soon as the writers passed away. Ganghanjip had a lot of content that were strongly opposing Qing. Jeongjo was concerned that Ganghanjip might have bring about diplomatic conflicts between Joseon and Qing, so he did not write prefaces for Ganghanjip. Since Bomanjaejip and Beonamjip could not be published during Joseon’s life time, there are no Jeongjo’s prefaces, only panegyrical poems written by Jeongjo. Nam Yu-Yong’s descendants wanted to print only 40-50 sets for private use at the time of printing Noeyeonjip, because they were not afford enough. On that basis, it can be assumed that more than 50 sets for private use were generally printed at least when a collection of work was published under the orders of King during the Joseon dynasty. According to Jeongjo’s memorandum, 23 sets for official use were generally printed at the time of printing Ganghanjip. It can also assume how many sets of collection of work for official use were generally printed.


본 논문은 조선 正祖 시대 신료인 南有容의 『雷淵集』, 黃景源의 『江漢集』, 徐命膺의 『保晩齋集』, 蔡濟恭의 『樊巖集』에 대해 정조가 간행을 명한 배경과 그 경과에 대해 연구한 것이다. 정조는 賓客을 지내고 文衡을 역임하였으면서 문장과 학술이 뛰어나거나, 자신이 정책을 수행하는데 지대한 공적을 세운 신료의 문집을 간행해주도록 명을 내렸다. 정조가 빈객을 지내고 문형을 역임한 신료의 문집을 간행해주도록 명한 전통은 남유용의 『뇌연집』에서부터 시작되어 황경원의 『강한집』, 서명응의 『보만재집』으로 이어졌다. 남유용과 황경원의 문장은 敦厚하고 古雅하여 정조의 ‘文體反正’ 정책에 부합하는 것이었고, 서명응은 다양한 서적을 편찬했던 정조의 학술 정책에 지대한 기여를 하였으며, 채제공은 思悼世子의 보호에 적극적으로 활약하여 정조의 신임을 얻고 영의정에 올라 정조가 추진하던 정책들을 성공적으로 보좌하였다. 『뇌연집』과 『강한집』은 간행의 명이 내린 뒤에 간행을 위한 준비 작업으로서 편집과 교정에 대략 3년 정도의 시간이 소요되었다. 『보만재집』과 『번암집』은 모두 정조 사후에 저자의 후손이나 본인이 정치적인 문제에 연루되어 오랫동안 간행되지 못하다가 정치적 문제가 해결된 뒤에 간행되었다. 『뇌연집』과 『강한집』은 저자의 사후에 정조가 遺稿를 乙覽하고 간행하도록 명한 경우이고, 『보만재집』과 『번암집』은 저자의 생전에 詩文稿를 을람한 뒤에 御製詩를 내리고 사후에 간행해주도록 명한 경우다. 排淸文字가 다수 수록된 『강한집』은 중국에 유입될 경우 외교문제로 비화될 우려가 있어 御製序가 수록되지 않았다. 『보만재집』과 『번암집』은 정조 생전에 간행되지 못한 까닭에 御製序는 수록되어 있지 않고 御製詩만 수록되어 있다. 『뇌연집』의 사례를 볼 때, 국가에서 문집을 간행해 줄 때에 私件은 본가에서 비용을 부담하며, 그 수량은 일반적으로 최소한 50件 이상이었을 것으로 추정된다. 公件의 수량은 『강한집』을 인출할 때 정조가 내린 備忘記를 통해 짐작할 수 있는데, 이에 따르면 『강한집』의 公件은 총 23件이 인출되었다.


 1. 서론
 2. 정조가 명간한 문집의 사례
  2.1 南有容의 『雷淵集』
  2.2 黃景源의 『江漢集』
  2.3 徐命膺의 『保晩齋集』
  2.4 蔡濟恭의 『樊巖集』
 3. 사례 분석
  3.1 命刊의 배경 분석
  3.2 命刊의 경과 분석
 4. 결론


  • 양기정 Yang, Gi-Jeong. 한국고전번역원 책임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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