

韓國 所在 佛敎 敎藏文獻의 書誌調査


A Bibliographical Investigation of Buddhist Gyojang literature in Korea

한국 소재 불교 교장문헌의 서지조사


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was carried out as a part of Gyojang research fulfilled by The research institute of Tripitaka Koreana in 2015. So in this study we tried to bibliographically investigate all the Gyojang remained in Korea, China and Japan. The quantity, the status and the bibliographic features of them were gathered and organized. As a result we could find out 40 volume of Gyojang were remained, and the bibliographic features as follows ; 1. In the times of engraving period, 16 volumes of books were engraved in Goryeo period and 14 volumes in Chosun Dynasty. The annotation books of Gyengseo which were Buddist Scripture was 6 volumes in both periods, and Nonseo commentary books of Buddist scripture was engraved in 6 in Goryeo and 5 in Chosun period. The annotation books of Yeolseo was 2 volumes in Goryeo. Besides cataloging books were remained 4 volumes in each periods, and the rest 1 volume was made in Chosun period. 2. The distribution of engraving and printing time, there were 1 volume in 11th century, the reengraving of the Tripitaka Koreana was 11 volumes, 4 volumes in Goryeo Dynasty, 2 volumes in 20th century and 2 volumes could not identify the publishing time. In Chosun period, the printing time distributions were 2 volumes in 15th century, 1 volumes in 16th century, 1 volume was estimated in 16th century, 6 volumes in 17th century. And 3 volumes in 18th, 1 volume in 19th, and 2 volumes in 20th century. The rest 3 volumes were unknown. 3. In the methods of publishing, 36 volumes were engraved in woodblocks, 3 volumes were transcripted and 1 volumes made by metal type called EulHaeJa. In Goryeo period, all the volumes of 20 were engraved in woodblocks and 11 volumes was the Tripitaka Koreana. In the destribution of Chosun period, 12 volumes was engraved ones, transcribed 3 volumes, 4 volumes of reengraving metal type and 1 volume of metal type.


본 연구는 2015년 고려제종교장 학술조사 사업의 일환으로 한․중․일 소재의 敎藏에 대한 서지조사 가운데 한국 소재 교장을 經․律․論書의 註釋書로 분류하여 정리한 것이다. 한국에 소재하고 있는 교장은 총 40건이 확인되었으며, 서지분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시대별로 高麗 16종, 朝鮮 14종이다. 經書의 주석서는 고려와 조선 각각 6종이며, 論書의 주석서는 고려 6종, 조선 5종이며, 律書의 주석서는 고려 2종이다. 이외 目錄類가 고려, 조선 각각 2종이 있으며, 기타 1종은 조선에서 간행된 것이다. 둘째, 간행 및 인출 시기별로 살펴보면 고려시대는 11c 1건, 甲辰․乙巳․丙午․丁未歲의 재조대장경 후쇄본 11건, 고려시대 4건, 20c 후쇄본 2건, 연대미상 2건이 있다. 조선시대는 15c 2건, 16c 1건, 16c 추정 1건, 17c 6건, 18c 3건, 19c 1건, 조선시대 1건, 19c 말-20c 초 후쇄본 1건, 20c 후쇄본 1건, 연대미상 3건으로 구분된다. 셋째, 간행 판본별로는 木板本 36건, 筆寫本 3건, 金屬活字本(乙亥字) 1건이다. 고려시대의 경우 20건 모두 목판본이며, 재조대장경 판본 11건이 포함되어 있다. 조선시대는 목판본 12건, 필사본 3건, 을해자번각 후쇄본 4건과 금속활자본(을해자) 1건이 있다.


 1. 머리말
 2. 經書의 註釋書
 3. 論書의 註釋書
 4. 律書의 註釋書
 5. 맺음말


  • 남권희 Nam, Kwon Hee. 경북대학교 문헌정보학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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