

야영장 화재 안전대책에 관한 연구


A Study on the Safety Measures of Camping Ground Fire

최지훈, 최돈묵

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The leisure life pattern of people is changing to a familial and enthusiastic way that eventually develops the camping culture. Thus, the number of campers and the size of camping market have been dramatically increased due to significant expansion of camping people. However, many camp grounds and facilities are operating without a proper registration by government rules and regulations. In addition, many of electronic and gas equipment and tools are not used in a safe way and in a safety regulatory boundary. Therefore, campers at the camping ground is situated in a fire and safety hazard. In addition, there is limitation in rules and regulations associated with camping ground safety and fire. This study analyzed the fire and hazard guidelines and rules regulations of developed countries of campground and compared them to the current situation in South Korea. Therefore, this study is to develop a safety and fire hazard guidelines and rules and regulations related to camp ground operation, gas and electronic equipment operation and management. The study will eventually reduce the future fire and safety incidents in a campground in South Korea.


 1. 서론
 2. 국내 야영장 안전관리 실태
  2.1 야영장 현황
  2.2 개별법에 따른 야영장 관리
 3. 국외 야영장 안전관리 실태
  3.1 미국
  3.2 독일
  3.3 호주
 4. 국내 야영장 사고 사례
  4.1 양평군 캠핑장 텐트 화재
  4.2 강화도 캠핑장 텐트 화재
 5. 국내 야영장 안전관리의 문제점
  5.1 통일적·구체적 안전기준 부재
  5.2 신종 야영시설의 안전기준 부재
  5.3 안전수준 평가 및 정보제공 부재
  5.4 미등록 야영장의 제도권 편입 지연
  5.5 현장 안전관리 미흡 및 야영문화 미정착
 6. 야영장 안전관리 방안
  6.1 야영장 통합 안전기준 재정비
  6.2 신종 야영장의 안전기준 신설
  6.3 야영장 안전 등급제를 통한 안전등급 평가 및 활용
  6.4 야영장 등록 활성화
  6.5 현장중심의 안전점검 강화
  6.6 야영장 안전 관리자의 전문성 제고
 7. 결론
 5. References


  • 최지훈 Ji-Hun Choi. 가천대학교 일반대학원 설비 소방공학과
  • 최돈묵 Don-Mook Choi. 가천대학교 설비 소방공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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