

Knowledge Trading in Supply Chain Partnerships:The Role of Trust and Relationship Commitment



Based on relational exchange theory and transaction cost theory, a conceptual model for the relationships among trust, relationship commitment, knowledge trading and cooperative performance is proposed and empirically tested using the data collected from 256 Chinese manufacturing enterprises in supply chain with the structural equation model. The results show that there are significant and positive impacts of trust on relationship commitment, explicit knowledge trading, tacit knowledge trading and cooperative performance. Although relationship commitment has significant and positive impacts on tacit knowledge trading and cooperative performance, it does not impact explicit knowledge trading significantly. Finally, it is also proved that knowledge trading has significant and positive impact on cooperative performance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literatures Review and Concept Definition
  2.1 Knowledge Trading in Supply Chain Partnerships
  2.2. Cooperative Performance
  2.3. Trust
  2.4. Relationship Commitment
 3. Hypotheses and Conceptual Model
  3.1. Trust and Relationship Commitment
  3.2. Trust and Knowledge Trading
  3.3. Trust and Cooperative Performance
  3.4. Relationship Commitment and Knowledge Trading
  3.5. Relationship Commitment and Cooperative Performance
  3.6. Knowledge Trading and Cooperative Performance
 4. Method and Results
  4.1. Data Collection and Sample
  4.2. Variables Measures
  4.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis
  4.4. Model Testing
  4.5. Empirical Results
 5. Discussion
 6. Conclusions and Limitations


  • Chen Wei Research Center for International Business and Economy, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China, International Business School, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China
  • Yang Bai Research Center for International Business and Economy, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China, International Business School, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China
  • Peng Cheng Research Center for International Business and Economy, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China


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