


경량화 시트 프레임 개발을 위한 재질별 두께에 따른 구조강도특성 평가


Evaluation on structural characteristics of a lightweight automotive seat frame depending upon each thickness of material types

오현석, 정찬희, 전성식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Finite Element analysis were carried out to investigate the deformation behaviours of a buckled automotive seat frames made of three different types of materials, i.e., SAPH440, Al6082-T6 and Al7021-T7, when they were subject to external load, based on the ECE R14 regulation to achieve lightweight structure. Also, several thicknesses were applied to the seat frame structures of each material for characterising deformations. It was found that light weight seat frame structure was obtained compared to conventional steel structure when it was made of aluminium under the condition of satisfying ECE R14 regulation. Interpretation result, when changing from SAPHH440 material has a thickness of 1.5mm to Al material has a thickness of 3.0mm, that could checking weight lightening about 47%.


 1. 서론
 2. ECE R14에 따른 해석 및 시트구조 평가
  2.1 ECE R14 법규
  2.2 유한요소 모델링
  2.3 해석의 하중조건 및 물성치
  2.4 해석결과
 3. 결론


  • 오현석 Hyun-Seok Oh. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Graduate School of Kongju National University
  • 정찬희 Chan-Hee Jeong. Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Graduate School of Kongju National University
  • 전성식 Seong-Sik Cheon. Member, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kongju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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