


Sustainability in PET Packaging


Yangjai Shin, DongHo Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this work, source reduction of poly ethylene terephthalate (PET) packaging are discussed as aspect of sustainability, such as reuse, refill and recycling through the various treatment methods and historical studies for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal. Since PET has good chemical, physical and mechanical properties, and provides good oxygen and carbon dioxide barrier properties, PET is one of the most widely used thermoplastic polyester in the U.S. and around the world. As the demand for non-renewable PET is increasing, several approaches have been developed to meet economical feasibility and environmental responsibility without degrading material performance. Several companies, such as Coca-Cola Co., Easterform Packaging Co. and Kraft, have tried to develop lightweight PET bottle, and some of lightweight PET bottles are already commercialized. Reuse and refilling for PET container is well developed in Europe, such as Denmark, German and Netherland by supportive legislation and policies. Recycling process is the best way to economically reduce PET waste. In consequence, advanced technique and further development must be provided due to increasing PET packaging waste.


  1. Environmental concerns to solid waste management
 Packaging in MSW
 Biodegradable Plastics
 Sustainability in PET
  1. Source reduction of PET
  2. Light weight
  3. Reuse/refill
  4. Recycling of PET
  5. Improvement the recyclability in PET packaging


  • Yangjai Shin Michigan State University, the School of Packaging 130 Packaging Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI48823, U.S.A
  • DongHo Kang Michigan State University, the School of Packaging 130 Packaging Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI48823, U.S.A


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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