

미국 수출 단감 포장의 현황 및 수송 중 컨테이너 온도관리 실태


Packages of Persimmons Exported from Korea to USA and Temperature Conditions during Sea Transport

안광환, 이동선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Current status on consumption and packaging of sweet persimmons in USA was surveyed by visiting the market, and three sea shipments were conducted as model export trial from Korean to USA with measurement in ship container temperature and fruit quality. Strategy to promote the export of Korean persimmons was derived. There have been gradual decrease in the price of persimmons due to their increases production, but there seems potential growth in consumption of the fruits from Asian, Hispanic and American people. Compared to the fruits from other countries, Korean persimmons are desired to have higher soluble solid content with stronger red color, but too large sizes are not favored in American market. There has often been temperature fluctuation in shipment container during the sea transport to USA, resulting in surface blackening, skin black spotting and flesh softening. Plastic bag packages with inappropriate unitizing crimping were found to sometimes build up unproper modified atmosphere (high O2 and low CO2) giving high rate of physiological injury.


 재료 및 방법
  1. 재배현황 및 유통실태 조사
  2. 단감 수출작업 및 수송과정 온도조사
  3. 과실품질 및 포장내 공기조성 조사
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 미국의 단감생산단지 및 유통시장 조사 결과
  2. 미국 수출 단감의 수송컨테이너 온도변화와 과실품질 비교
 감사의 글


  • 안광환 Gwang-Hwan Ahn. 경남농업기술원 단감연구소
  • 이동선 Dong Sun Lee. 경남대학교 식품생명학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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