

The Effect of Functional MA Film Packaging on Storage of Mature-Red Tomato



The mature-red tomato fruits (cv. Pinky world) were packaged with functional modified atmosphere (MA) film (0.03, 0.06 mm) and stored at 0, 5, 15℃. The results showed that the concentrations of CO2 and O2 inside MA package were about 4.21~8.17% and 9.78~14.45% under steady state during storage 29 days at 0, 5℃, respectively. The MA packaging(MAP) suppressed the fruits softening and the color change. The minimum lycopene content and maximum firmness were separately observed in fruits packaged with MA film (0.03 mm) at 5℃ storage and film(0.06 mm) at 0℃, which the lycopene content 6.08 mg/100 g, and firmness was 0.49 Kgf at 29 th day storage. The optimal conditions to keep high quality of tomato fruits were obtained by MAP during storage at 0℃ for 29 days, independently of the film thickness, in which the adequate gas composition was CO2 at 4.2%~5.6%, O2 at 14.3%~14.5%, respectively.


토마토(Pinky 종)를 기능성 MA필름(두께 0.03, 0.06mm)으로 포장하여 0, 5, 15℃에 저장하면서 품질 변화를 조사하였다. 저장 29일에 MA포장재 내의 CO2, O2농도는 각각 4.21~8.17%, 9.78~14.45%였고, 전반적으로 MA 포장구에서 연화와 색택의 변화가 억제되었다. 저장 29일에 MA포장(0.03두께)을 한 후 5℃에 저장한 토마토의 경도(0.49 kgf)가 가장 높았고, MA 포장(0.06두께)을 한 후 0℃에 저장한 토마토가 최소 라이코펜 함량(6.08mg/100g)을 보였다. 토마토의 품질 유지를 위한 최적 조건은 MA 장을 하여 0℃에 저장하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 나타났으며 필름 두께간에는 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 또한 MA 포장재 내의 최적 가스 조성은 CO2는 4.2%~5.6%, O2는 14.3%~14.5%로 나타났다.


 Materials and Methods
  1. Materials
  2. Methods
 Results and Discussion
  1. The gas composition inside MA package
  2. The quality
  3. The ratios of decay and weight loss


  • Jun Feng Guan Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Shijiazhuang,P. R. China
  • Hyung Woo Park Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnnam 463-746, Korea
  • Yoon Ho Kim Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnnam 463-746, Korea
  • Sang Hee Kim Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnnam 463-746, Korea
  • Hye Ran Park Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnnam 463-746, Korea
  • Seon Ah Lee Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnnam 463-746, Korea
  • Ji Yoon Yoon Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnnam 463-746, Korea


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