

저급 국산골판지원지의 강도강화방법 연구


Improvement of Physical Properties of Low Quality Recycled Corrugated Fiberboard Liners

김종경, 류운형, 주상명, 이환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For both economic and ecological reasons corrugated box manufacturers are seeking to produce acceptably strong boxes while using more recycled paper. This study was to develop hydrophilic coating agents in order to improve overall physical properties of recycled corrugated fiberboard liners. Two coating agents were developed and applied to ``S`` corrugating medium. The results showed that compression strength of new liners, named ``S-A`` and ``S-B``, were increased significantly both standard humidity and high humidity environment and it was as much as ``SK`` liner. New developed liners were also economically advantageous since new liners were estimated about one hundred fifty dollars per ton cheaper than SK liner. The study indicated that further work is needed on the coating technology and machine development.


 재료 및 기구
  1. S-A
  2. S-B
 결과 및 고찰


  • 김종경 Jong Kyoung Kim. 용인송담대학 유통, 상품포장전공
  • 류운형 Wun Hyung Ryu. 국일제지(주)
  • 주상명 Sang Myung Joo. 네오텍(주)
  • 이환 Hwan Lee. 우림특수포장(주)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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