

종이 앵글의 역학적 거동 분석과 강도 표준화 연구


Mechanical Behavior Analysis and Strength Standardization of Paper Angle


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Paper angle, environment friendly packaging material, has been mainly used as an edge protector. But, we have perceived its application to package design of heavy product such as strength reinforcement or unit load system (ULS) in the future. Above all, understanding of buckling behavior for angle itself and compression strength and quality standard have to be accomplished for the paper angle to be used for this purpose. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the buckling behavior through theoretical and finite element analysis, and to develop compression strength model by compression test for symetric and asymetric paper angle. Based on the result of theoretical and finite element analysis, increasing rate of buckling of asymmetric paper angle was higher as applied load level was bigger and/or the length of angle was longer than that of symmetric paper angle. Decreasing rate of minimum principal moment of inertia was remarkably increased as the extent of asymmetric angle is bigger, and buckling orientation of angle was open direction near the small web. Increasing rate of maximum compression strength (MCS) for thickness of angle was smaller as the web size was bigger in symmetric angle. MCS of asymmetric angle of 43×57 and 33×67 was decreased 15~18% and 65~78%, and change of buckling was increased 12~13% and 62~66%, respectively.


 종이앵글에 대한 이론분석과 유한요소 해석
  1. 구조적 특성에 대한 이론분석
  2. 유한요소해석
 실험적 방법에 의한 강도 모델링
  1. 실험설계와 방법
  2. 압축강도 모델링
 요약 및 결론


  • 박종민 Jong Min Park. 밀양대학교 기계공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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