

Poly[N-(formyloxyphenyl)maleimide] 고분자의 합성과 자외선에 대한 반응특성


Synthesis and Photosensitive Properties of Poly[N-(formyloxy phenyI)maleimide] Containing Photosensitive Groups


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Synthesis of poly[N-(formyloxyphenyl)maleimide](PFOMI) as photopolymer were investigated with various kinds of photosensitive groups. Generally, photopolyimide have some deficiencies in solubility, sensitivity, reserve stability of the photosensitive solution, and the precision of image pattern. The study has been required on those polymers which have high glass transition temperature and photo efficiency, and low dielectricity. The existing condensation resins require high curing temperature and perfect elimination of subreacted materials that are produced during the process after irradiation and various membrane damages such as the deformation and contraction in image pattern cure. In this study poly[N-(hydroxyphenyl)maleimide](PHPMI) was synthesized. The PHPMI were analyzed by H-NMR and FT-IR. The measured number average molecular weight of PHPMI was produced was 1.06 ×104. Poly[N-(formyloxyphenyl)maleimide](PFOMI) as a type of photo-Fries rearrangement was synthesized by NHPMI and formic acid followed by radical polymerization. PFOMI was analyzed by FT-IR, and photocharacteristics was investgated by UV spectra and FT-IR before and after UV irradiation. Based on the image characteristics of PFOMI measured from optical micrographs, it was formed that the resolution of positive type PFOMI was 0.5 um.


  N-(hydroxyphenyl) maleimide(NHPMI)의 합성
  Photo-Fries 전위형 polyimide(PFOMI)의 합성
 결과 및 고찰
  NHPMI의 특성
  PFOMI polymaleimide의 특성 
  PFOMI의 감광특성


  • 김상민 Sang Min Kim. 신성대학 화장품 신소재계열


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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