

강심골판지의 물성에 관한 연구


A Study of the Physical Properties of Single Wall Dual-layer Medium Corrugated Board

이수근, 김재능

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Normally, the single wall(SW) corrugated board has more advantages than double wall (DW) corrugated board in terms of the cost of the materials and logistics. For instance, the SW corrugated board has 3 layer papers whereas the DW corrugated board has 5 layer papers. The thickness of the SW is about 5mm, but that of the DW is 8mm. Accordingly, the SW corrugated board is quite more used in the developed countries than the DW corrugated board. But in Korea, the DW corrugated board is quite more used. The reason why more DW corrugated board are used than the SW corrugated in Korea is that in order that the SW corrugated board has the same box compression strength as DW corrugated board, the cost of the SW corrugated board is higher than that of the DW corrugated board because the virgin kraft liners are all imported from overseas. In this study, the physical properties such as flat crush strength and column crush strength of typical SW corrugated board and single wall dual-layer medium corrugated board and their costs were analyzed. The analysis resulted in that single wall dual-layer medium corrugated board has the same thickness as the SW corrugated board but the more flat crush strength and column crush strength and the less cost than the SW corrugated board.


 강심골판지의 구조
  국산원지배합의 SW(A골, 3ㆍ4종)와 강심골판지의 물성분석
  수입원지를 배합한 SW와 강심골판지의 물성분석
 결과 및 고찰
  국산원지배합 SW(A골, 3ㆍ4종)와 강심골판지의 특성비교
  수입원지를 배합한 SW와 강심골판지의 특성비교
  이중양면골판지(DW) 와 비교한 강심골판지의 특성


  • 이수근 Soo Keun Lee. 신성대학 상품포장과
  • 김재능 Jai Neung Kim. 연세대학교 패키징학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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