

벌크화물 포장용기의 최적 설계 ( I ) - 알고리즘 개발


Opt imum Design of Packaging Container for Bulk Materials ( I ) - Algorithm Development


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In optimum design of packaging contain er for bulk mat erials, minimum b oard ar ea, compres sion performance and distribution efficiency must be considered. In this study, math ematical models for minimum board area (RMA), compression strength(CS ) and maximum compres sion strength perunit board area (MCSA) of cont ainer as algorithm for optimum design packaging conatiner for bulk materials were developed as follows : RMA = f (V, D), a RMA = f ( V , D) , MCSA = f ( V ,D), and a M CSA = f (V, D). In order to develop these models, compres sion test according to various dimensions of cont ainer and response surface analysis for minimum board ar ea, compression strength, and maximum compres sion str ength per unit board area of cont ainer were carried out . In developed models, volume and depth of container were principal in dependent variables. Through the verified r esult s for these models, optimum design of packaging cont ainer on the design conditions and limit conditions was possible. These models might be used in developing optimum design software of packaging container for bulk materials .


 수학적 모형화와 반응표면 분석
  최소소요면적에 대한 모형
  압축강도에 대한 모형
  단위 소요면적당 압축강도에 대한 모형
 결과 및 고찰
  치수비율에 따른 소요면적과 강도변화
  모형의 민감성과 적용


  • 박종민 Jong-Min Park. 밀양대학교 기계공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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