

설탕 및 사료의 파지혼용 크라프트 지대 개선에 관한 연구


Study on Improvement of Kraft Paper sack Mixed with Recycled Paper for Sugars and Assorted Feeds.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was carried out to investigate improvement of kraft paper sack mixed with recycled paper for sugars and assorted feeds. Four Plies of kraft paper mixed with recycled paper(basis weight : $80g/m^2$) were taken place of two plies of kraft paper made from all pulp(basis weight : $98g/m^2$) and one ply of kraft paper mixed with recycled paper(basis weight : $80g/m^2$) for sugar 30kg. Three Plies of kraft paper mixed with recycled paper(basis weight : $80g/m^2$) were taken place of two plies of kraft paper made from all pulp(basis weight $98g/m^2$) for sugar 15kg and assorted feed 25kg. Physical properties, tensile strength, internal tearing strength and bursting strength, were improved by exchanging kraft paper mixed with recycled paper for kraft paper from all pulp and so kraft paper sacks made from all pulp were no damage in handling. They had so high friction coefficient that there was no danger of collapse on pallet by slipperiness in transportation and handling. And they had high printability so disappearance of printing by the contact with other paper sack in transportation was not found.


 재료 및 방법
 결과 및 고찰


  • 이수근 Soo Keun Lee. 신성대학 산업포장과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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