

Detecting user status from smartphone sensor data



Due to the high increment in usage and built-in advanced technology of smartphones, human activity recognition relying on smartphone sensor data has become a focused research area. In order to reduce noise of collected data, most of previous studies assume that smartphones are fixed at certain positions. This strategy is impractical for real life applications. To overcome this issue, we here investigate a framework that allows detecting the status of a traveller as idle or moving regardless the position and the direction of smartphones. The application of our work is to estimate the total energy consumption of a traveller during a trip. A number of experiments have been carried out to show the effectiveness of our framework when travellers are not only walking but also using primitive vehicles like motorbikes.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works
 3. A flexible framework for detecting user status
 4. Experimental results
 5. Conclusion


  • Thu-Trang Nguyen University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University in Hanoi
  • Thi-Hau Nguyen University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University in Hanoi
  • Ha-Nam Nguyen University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University in Hanoi
  • Duc-Nhan Nguyen Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
  • GyooSeok Choi Chungwoon University, Incheon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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