피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Purpose of Research
Ⅲ. Literature Review and Hypothesis
1. Satisfaction with Management and Job Satisfaction
2. Satisfaction of Co-workers and Job satisfaction
3. Satisfaction of Management and Customer Orientation
4. Satisfaction with Co-workers and Customer Orientation
5. Customer Orientation and Job Satisfaction
6. Job Satisfaction and Performance with Customers
7. Job Satisfaction and Overall Performance
8. Customer Orientation and Performance with Customers
9. Customer Orientation and Overall Performance
Ⅳ. Research Model
Ⅴ. Research Methodology
A. Sampling
B. Research Design
Ⅵ. Result
In summary
Ⅱ. The Purpose of Research
Ⅲ. Literature Review and Hypothesis
1. Satisfaction with Management and Job Satisfaction
2. Satisfaction of Co-workers and Job satisfaction
3. Satisfaction of Management and Customer Orientation
4. Satisfaction with Co-workers and Customer Orientation
5. Customer Orientation and Job Satisfaction
6. Job Satisfaction and Performance with Customers
7. Job Satisfaction and Overall Performance
8. Customer Orientation and Performance with Customers
9. Customer Orientation and Overall Performance
Ⅳ. Research Model
Ⅴ. Research Methodology
A. Sampling
B. Research Design
Ⅵ. Result
In summary
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보