

특집논문 : 재일디아스포라 문학의 글로컬리즘과 문화정치학

夢と自由と- 『火山島』韓国語版完成を讃えて


Dream and Freedom – Tribute to the Accomplishment of the Korean Version of Volcanic Island

몽と자유と- 『화산도』한국어판완성を찬えて


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The novel HWASANDO, written by Kim Seok Beom, talks about ‘4∙3 Jeju massacre’ and also covers the historical facts among Korean peninsula, Japan, and all around eastern Asia during the time in depth. In this piece of writing, Japan has two sides of positions; as a suzerain region, and also a new place to defect. Another work of Kim Seok Beom written prior to HWASANDO, Death of Crow, mainly talks about what caused ‘4∙3 Jeju massacre’ On the other hand, in HWASANDO, he approaches the same event from the different point of view. The plot of HWASANDO focuses more on how the protagonist tries to prevent the catastrophe from the extreme violent situation, and how to save lives as many as possible. Since Kim Seok Beom released Death of Crow, the main theme of his every work, the question about nihilism, is conveyed to readers through the protagonist of HWASANDO, Lee Bang Guen. Lee Bang Guen makes his decision of joining the riot for self sacrifice as Hamlet throws his life away in Shakespeare, not for the ideal he believes in. However, his decision can be explained by the unique setting of the novel HWASANDO; each individual appeared in the plot can develop the relationship in the dream. Therefore, his will to sacrifice himself inspires him to murder and kill himself at the end. The author’s understanding of freedom and his recognition of history seem to agree with each other. He describes the protagonist’s decision as an unavoidable deed for preventing the division of Korean peninsula as the result of ‘4∙3 Jeju massacre’ Kim Seok Beom’s writings later on expend to a new field, such as the excavation of the killing field in Jeju island appeared in his work.




1. はじめに
 2. 問いかける歴史
 3. 『火山島』における日本
 4. 「鴉の死」とニヒリズム
 5. 済州島のハムレット
 6. 融解する夢
 7. 自由と身代わり 
 8. 『火山島』以後の金石範文学


  • 鵜飼哲 Ukai Satoshi. 一橋大学大学院


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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