

좋은 행정구현을 위한 테제 논의 : 제도-극대화를 중심으로


Theses for Good Public Administration : focusing on the Institution-maximizing


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to prove that a system which pursues maximizing of public good and social welfare is the basis for good public administration. Although politicians and government officials have drawn up varied institutions, they failed to promote social welfare blindly pursuing external legitimacy in terms of the social welfare decision model, especially the public choice theory and the isomorphism theory. The conclusion drawn in this paper is as follows. First, an institution which does not promote social welfare should be abolished (Q*), or such system should be innovated to promote social welfare (Q). Second, assuming that the current system is improved while Q is maintained, it is necessary to regulate not to draw up another institution from the PAYGO(pay as you go) perspective. Third, as it is likely for congressmen to build institutions with haste rather than caution, it is required not only to restrict such institutions, but also to perform the regulation and effect analysis. Forth, it would be necessary to regulate bypass legislation of the government and to adopt real-name legislation of institution drafting.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 논의
  1. 좋은 행정을 위한 테제(theses)
  2. 제도 극대화의 개념
  3. 제도극대화 과정의 변인: 공공선택론 및 동형화이론
  4. 선행연구
  5. 분석틀 및 분석모형
 III. 제도극대화 과정 진단: 공공선택론 vs. 동형화이론
  1. 공공선택론 (사익추구 〉 공익추구)
  2. 동형화이론: 외적 정당성 추구
 IV. 좋은 행정구현을 위한 새로운 테제 형성
 V. 결론 및 정책적 함의
 <부록 1>
 <부록 2>


  • 정성호 Seong-Ho Jeong. 한국조세재정연구원 연구위원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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