

Study on a Novel Data Classification Method Based on Improved GA and SVM Model



Support vector machine(SVM) can effectively solve the classification problem with small samples, nonlinear and high dimensions, but it exits the weak generalization ability and low classification accuracy. So an improved genetic algorithm(IGA) is introduced in order to propose a new classification(IGASVM) method based on combining improved GA and SVM model. In the proposed IGASVM method, the self-adaptive control parameter strategy and improving convergence speed strategy are introduced into the GA to keep the diversity of the population, promptly reflect the premature convergence of the individual and escape from the local optimal solution for improving the search performance. Then the improved GA is used to optimize and determine the parameters of the SVM model in order to improve the learning ability and generalization ability of the SVM model for obtaining new classification (IGASVM) method. Finally, the experiment data is selected to test the effectiveness of the proposed IGASVM method. The experiment results show that the improved GA can effectively optimize and determine the parameters of the SVM model, and the IGASVM method takes on the better learning ability, generalization ability and classification accuracy.


 1. Introduction
 2. GA and SVM
  2.1. Genetic Algorithm
  2.2. Support Vector Machine(SVM)
 3. An Improved GA
  3.1. Self-Adaptive Control Parameter Strategy
  3.2. Improving Convergence Speed Strategy
 4. A New Classification(IGASVM) Method
 5. Experiment and Simulation Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Jing Huo School of Electronic Information and Electronical Engineering, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui 741001, Gansu, China
  • Yuxiang Zhao School of Electronic Information and Electronical Engineering, Tianshui Normal University, Tianshui 741001, Gansu, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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