

The “Container-Cloud” Architecture and Scene Perception in IoE Era



This paper introduces a new innovative mobile application architecture called "Container-Cloud", which could be probably an inevitable trend in complex cloud, connected devices and network ecosystem in IoE(Internet of Everything) era. The significance of C-C is comparably to Java for web, and android for mobile. There are some innovations in platform operations, in service operations, in developing and in use. The "Container-Cloud" architecture can solve those application silo, enable applications developed, debugged and deployed transparently in cloud, allows mobile applications to be generated on demand, and be migrated and scheduled automatically among cloud, and creates an opportunity for implementation of "context-aware" application in cloud. The paper also gives some "context-aware" application examples based on C-C support in IoE era.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1.Mobile Container
  2.2. Software-Defined Application
  2.3. Mobile Cloud
 3. Technical Conception
  3.1. IoE and IoE Paradox
  3.2. Application Container
  3.3. Software-Defined Application
  3.4. Cloud Complier
 4. Implementation Framework
  4.1. Framework Benefits
  4.2. Application Container
  4.3. Cloud complier
  4.4. Scenario Application
  4.5. Relationship
 5. Findings
  5.1. The New Understanding of Cloud Computing
  5.2. The New Understanding of Container
  5.3. Scene Perception in IoE
 6. Scene Perception Implementation
 7. Discussion
 8. Conclusion


  • Bo Yu School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, Mash5 Technologies (Suzhou), Ltd., Suzhou, China
  • Zhongliang Guan School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
  • Yan Jiang College of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun Normal University, Changchun, China, College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, China
  • Cuiyu Qi School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
  • Shifeng Liu School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China


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