

A Hybrid of Sliding Mode Control and Fuzzy Gain Scheduling PID Control using Fuzzy Supervisory Switched System for DC Motor Speed Control System



This paper shows another way to deal with speed control of DC Motor. Two nonlinear controllers, one of sliding mode control and the other Fuzzy gain scheduling PID, characterize another control structure. Essentially, in this configuration procedure, the SMC and Fuzzy gain scheduling PID controller have been consolidated by a switching system which is chosen by the Fuzzy supervisory system. The sliding-mode controller acts essentially in a transient state while the fuzzy gain scheduler PID controller acts in the steady state. The new structure epitomizes the favorable circumstances that both nonlinear controllers offer: a sliding-mode controller provides the fast rise time and fuzzy gain scheduling PID controllers lessening the chattering in the steady state. The simulation results show that utilizing the new hybrid SMC fuzzy gain scheduling PID controller gives "better" system response as far as transient and steady state are concerned when compared with the SMC or fuzzy gain scheduling PID controller’s applications. The controller parameters are tuned with the help of fuzzy logic.


 1. Introduction
 2. DC Motor Model
 3. Sliding Mode Control
 4. Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of PID Controller
 5. Fuzzy Supervisory Hybrid Control
 6. Results & Discussions
 7. Conclusion


  • Husain Ahmed Reasearch Scholar, Mewar University, Gangrar, Rajasthan, India
  • Abha Rajoriya Head & Prof. Deptt. Of EEE, Jai Naraiyan College Of Engg & Tech. Bhopal,MP,India


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