The key techniques and methods for the construction of modern Uyghur language (MUL) corpus are presented. The techniques and methods included MUL corpus, MUL corpus pre-processing, MUL corpus statistics, MUL stemming and MUL data analysis; on the basis of related works we then developed an enhanced modern Uyghur Common Words (UCW)-glossary. We conducted basic inspections upon the words from two perspectives namely the usage frequency and distribution. Upon developing enhanced MUCW glossary we considered the number of word types, word frequency, word length, and the number of texts used as major factors.
1. Introduction
2. Uyghur Language Corpus Constructions
2.1 The Print Media
2.2 The Teaching Media
2.3 The Broadcast Media
2.4 The Web Media
3. Modern Uyghur Common Word Extraction
4. Modern Uyghur Common Word Lexicon Construction
5. Experimental Data
5.1 Bais data
5.2 Comparisons between the Common Word and Word Stem
5.3 Basic Statistics on Uyghur High-Frequency Word and Word-Stem
5.4 Modern UCW-Glossary
6. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Uyghur Language Corpus Constructions
2.1 The Print Media
2.2 The Teaching Media
2.3 The Broadcast Media
2.4 The Web Media
3. Modern Uyghur Common Word Extraction
4. Modern Uyghur Common Word Lexicon Construction
5. Experimental Data
5.1 Bais data
5.2 Comparisons between the Common Word and Word Stem
5.3 Basic Statistics on Uyghur High-Frequency Word and Word-Stem
5.4 Modern UCW-Glossary
6. Conclusion