

Source Code Verification on Embedded Control Devices



A control system device is a hardware system with special processor and interface modules that have their own function and software under an operating system. In developing a new device, a designer searches for a new interface modules-supported driver algorithm for reducing developing time. In this case, the program code interfaced with this module used to be the same one as other products. It would then be difficult to verify which code is the original source program in keeping the copyright. Regarding property right verification, it is difficult to compare this with each program code to find a difference. In the case of an open source code, a developer program could be the same to most code lines, which is released by an interface module vendor. In this paper, we show a way to keep the property rights of the owner as for the module interface and communication interface, while the peripheral interface is under an open source operating system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Embedded System Basics
 3. Kernel Source Architecture
 4. Source Verification
 5. Conclusions


  • Kyutae Lee Div. of Info. and Comm. Eng. , Kongju National Universty, South Korea
  • Seungcheon Kim Dept. of Info. and Comm. Eng. , Hansung Universty, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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