

Credit-Based Reliability Service Model in Wireless Communication Networks




In wireless communication networks, the reliability is greatly important that it is independent of the radio transmission approach, unfortunately due to the failure-prone nature of wireless communication networks, the ability of providing a stable link and consistent quality of service (QoS) to end-users is a key issue. Currently credit-based reliability system becomes a very important security mechanism in the wireless adaptive communication network. This paper introduces a credit-based reliability service model which uses the credit space expressed by the WATCHDOG mechanism so as to access the wireless self-organized network. In this model, the transformation from credit space to reliability space is proposed and the key characteristics are revealed. Experiments are carried out to examine the proposed model. It is observed that, the proposed model is able to evaluate the service value under the credit-based reliability capacity.


 1. Introduction
 2. Credit Space
  2.1. Credit Space
  2.2 Reliability Degree
  2.3 Reliability Space
 3. Analysis of the Credit-Based Reliability
  3.1 Analysis of Scenario 1
  3.2 Analysis of Scenario 2
 4. Credit-Based Reliability Service Model
  4.1 Trust Service Wireless Network
  4.2 Proposed Model
  4.3 Attack Analysis
 5. Experiments and Analysis
 6. Summary


  • Zonghai Ye Minnan Science and Technology Institute, Fujian Normal University, Quanzhou, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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