

Research on Target Characteristics and Target Recognition Algorithm under Complex Background



To improve the recognition rate of dynamic target under complex background, this paper studied the target characteristics and recognition algorithm of moving target. According to the light intensity, target shape and motion characteristics, the calculation model of the target characteristics was established, the optical radiation characteristic and the detection performance of photoelectric detection system under complex background were analyzed. By means of image segmentation and mathematical morphology transform, the target information extraction and recognition algorithm was researched and analyzed. Through the simulation calculation and experimental verification, the results show that target characteristics model and recognition algorithm is feasible.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Characteristics of Targets under Complex Background
 3. The Characteristics of the Target Radiation Source
 4. Optical Radiation Characteristic of Target
 5. Analysis of Image Gray Model and Detection Performance Model under Complex Background
  5.1. The Image Gray Model
  5.2. Detection Performance Model
 6. Target Recognition Method Based on Image Flow Analysis
  6.1. Image Segmentation
  6.2. Mathematical Morphology Transform
  6.3. Multi-Frame Image Processing
 7. Simulation and Experimental Analysis Processing
  7.1. The Target Radiation Characteristics Simulation
  7.2. Target Recognition Processing Analysis
 8. Conclusions


  • Mianmian Dong School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, PR China
  • Baoyi Guo School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi'an Technological University, Xi'an 710021, PR China


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